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TMJ Treatment in Burlington, ON

TMJ pain sadly affects a large percentage of the population. It can be a debilitating life-limiting condition. It is intermittent or persistent pain along the jaw joint and around the muscles of the jaw. It is usually caused by an imbalance in your bite or a degenerative change in the joint itself. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for long-term success.

At Lighthouse Dental Care in Burlington, our dentists have focused their training on ideal jaw function and helping patients with their TMJ pain. Schedule an appointment today for an assessment if you are suffering from jaw pain.

A Man Suffering from Jaw Pain & Needs TMJ Treatment in Burlington

Symptoms of TMJ

Our jaws and teeth are constantly evolving and through our lives, things can change, sometimes with an unhealthy bite it can lead to:

Treatment of TMJ in Burlington, ON

TMJ pain in the past was not clearly understood, and while there is still a lot to learn, we have made strides in the treatment. Through a better understanding of jaw function our team at Lighthouse Dental Care Burlington is well trained to diagnose, identify and treat your TMJ pain. Call now to book an appointment for your consult.

Patient Testimonials

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Our goal is to offer you and your family the best dental care in Burlington. We are thrilled that our services have been rated 5 stars.