Have a perfect smile!

How Aging Impacts Dental Health

Many of our older patients struggle with tooth loss. 

Missing teeth can make it harder for seniors to eat, speak, and smile comfortably and confidently. 

While it’s true that the natural ageing process impacts our dental health, oral healthcare is far from hopeless for older adults. 

The key is to understand the dental health risks that seniors face and learn the best strategies for taking care of their oral health. 

Find out more about how ageing impacts the mouth and what to do about it. 

Old Man Sitting In The Dentist`s Office

The Ageing Process

Ageing is a natural process that impacts all of the cells in our body. Naturally, we undergo many physical and health changes as we get older. Some of these changes involve oral health. This is part of the reason why so many older adults deal with tooth loss. However, with diligent dental care, elderly teeth falling out may be prevented. 

Gum Disease

What is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults? Gum disease. Left untreated, this progressive disease will lead to tooth decay and loss. Early intervention is the key to preserving teeth and reversing the disease. If you notice bleeding gums or any signs of gum disease, that is the time to visit a dentist for seniors in Burlington, ON.

Dental Hygiene

In addition to gum disease, what causes teeth to fall out in the elderly? Improper dental care is another main reason for elderly teeth falling out. At-home dental care can become difficult for many seniors as they age. Additionally, far too many do not come to the dentist as often as they should.

Dentist for Seniors in Burlington

The best solution for battling elderly teeth falling out is proper dental care. Senior dentistry in Burlington is geared at the unique oral health needs of older adults. Our dedicated team at Lighthouse Dental is here to help older adults achieve beautiful, functional smiles for as long as possible. Turn to our experienced dentists for all of your senior dental care needs!

Book your appointment today with our dentist for seniors in Burlington, ON!

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